Asthma Sufferers can try a new remedy: Salt Therapy

Recently, many new forms of therapy have been discovered that have been shown to reduce the symptoms of asthma sufferers, making breathing easier, such as the use of herbal remedies like turmeric, or salt therapy (also known as halotherapy).

Halotherapy has been gaining momentum all over the world as a remedy for asthma sufferers and a host of other breathing conditions.

Can Salt Therapy Alleviate Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs, where the airways get inflamed and congested with mucus buildup, causing wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Usually, these symptoms are triggered and worsened by airborne substances like pollen, dust mites or other allergens, tobacco smoke, physical exertion, or certains foods, resulting in a spasm of the muscles around the airways — this is known as an asthma attack.

Halotherapy is typically known as dry salt therapy — where you breathe air that’s been dispersed with micronized pure sodium chloride (salt). This dry salt therapy is commonly known to alleviate symptoms of asthma sufferers.

Inflammation Due to Asthma

The main symptom that is bothersome to many is the resulting inflammation due to these asthma triggers. Inflammation and swelling occur to the lining of the air passages within the lungs, and also a buildup of mucus, causing wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, etc..

Salt Therapy Helps You Breathe Easier

Salt is both anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory. As you breathe the salt-rich air, the micron sized dry salt particles begin to absorb the toxins and allergens in your respiratory tract, and eliminate them from the body, resulting in a decrease in mucus, a decrease in inflammation, a detox of your entire respiratory system, and a welcomed relief during breathing.

Does it Work?

Normal vs Inflamed Air Passage
Normal vs Inflamed Air Passage

There are many credible studies proving the benefits of salt therapy.

Here’s a study from August 2017, conducted on 216 children with bronchial asthma. The patients were given a number of light to moderate salt cave (salt therapy) sessions, and were reported to have:

“noticeably diminished broncho-obstructive syndrome, improved pulmonary ventilation. The improvement proved stable in the majority of the patients.”

In this study titled Halotherapy as asthma treatment in children: A randomized, controlled, prospective pilot study, conducted by Pediatric Pulmonology in October 2016, the conclusion was:

“salt room with halogenerator, may have some beneficial effects in mild asthmatic children.”

This article outlines many other studies that show the benefits of salt therapy.

Besides the studies, just ask anyone who’s tried it. The reviews are unanimous. If you suffer from Asthma, you should give salt therapy a try!

It’s important to note that salt therapy is complementary — and should not be used to replace any existing medication. If you notice an improvement in your symptoms from salt therapy, talk to your doctor before making any changes to your regular prescribed medication.

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