Why Build with Us?
Designing and building treatment centres premised on salt therapy is our passion
We passionately design and build treatment centres premised on salt therapy (also known as Halotherapy).
We specialize in customized salt caves and salt rooms. These multifunctional rooms provide options for yoga, massage, meditation, reiki and many other holistic services.
About Our Designs
Every square inch of the wall and floor is covered with Himalayan salt. These man-made microclimates are a true synergy between the forces of nature, science and art. Individually, every salt rock, brick or boulder is meticulously stacked. Furthermore, no spray foam or paper mache is used.
Our traditional salt cave ceilings feature a fibre-optic lighting design integrated into the stalactites. In addition, the walls are illuminated with serene lighting. The goal is to ensure a unified theme exists between walls and ceiling.
A layer of pink or white Himalayan salt crystals cover the floor.
On average, Select Salt constructs salt rooms or salt caves using 10,000 pounds of Himalayan salt.
Salt rooms can be designed and built in as little as 100 square feet of space, and as quickly as 10-14 days.
The temperature inside a salt caves microclimate is maintained precisely between 66-68°F.
Every salt cave or salt room can be equipped with a medical grade HaloGenerator for maximum therapeutic benefit.
Design Options to Consider:
1. Conventional Himalayan Salt Cave
This design utilizes large boulders and rocks, reproducing a cave-like atmosphere. These rooms feature stalactites and fibre-optic lighting. A brick walkway often graces the entrance, adding to aesthetics and allowing for wheelchair accessibility. Loose, pink Himalayan salt crystals cover the remaining surface area.
2. Salt Therapy Room
Salt rooms provide a true digital detox that’s great for smaller spaces, including private residences. The salt therapy room is usually constructed to emphasize more salt brick and tile. Select Salt brings agility and flexibility to the table. We work with our clients to maximize their space and revenue-generating capacity.
Salt rooms provide a true digital detox that’s great for smaller spaces.
3. Himalayan Massage, Meditation or Yoga Room
Expand your business or spa with a salt room made specific to your needs. We custom build multifunctional salt rooms to fit your space. We can equip these therapeutic salt sanctuaries with a halogenerator, salt water cascade, salt fireplace or any other addition as it relates to your business needs in order to provide additional salt therapy benefits combined with other holistic treatments.
4. Salt Decor & Salt Walls
If space or budget doesn’t allow for a conventional salt cave, consider some of our Himalayan salt decor options. Compliment any room, wall or even your reception by grazing the walls with Himalayan salt bricks and/or tiles.