Frequently Asked Questions
See some common questions below.
Salt Therapy/Halotherapy
What is Salt Therapy/Halotherapy? Who can benefit?
Salt therapy or halotherapy (from the Greek word ‘halo’ meaning salt) has been around for centuries. Naturally-occurring salt caves found throughout Asia and Europe are revered for their therapeutic properties. In Poland, the famous Wieliczka salt mine contains a respiratory hospital. It even boasts a patient success rate so high, there is a waiting list. That’s because halotherapy is a safe, drug-free, 100% natural and affordable non-invasive treatment alternative for respiratory and cardiovascular ailments. However, you do not have to suffer from respiratory ailments to benefit from salt therapy. Individuals with insomnia, allergies, stress, anxiety and depression can also benefit from this burgeoning holistic treatment option.
What are the benefits of halotherapy?
A growing body of scientific research shows that salt therapy can treat various illnesses. It can also help prevent colds or flus. Even more, there are no known drug interactions or side effects from halotherapy.
Himalayan salt contains approximately 84 natural elements that our bodies can absorb and use for multiple purposes. Some of which include iodine, magnesium and calcium, which is a natural anti-allergen.
How Does Salt Therapy Work?
The halogenerator disperses an active dry salt aerosol via a fan process. The salt aerosol concentration is controlled using optoelectronic sensors within the room. This maintains ideal conditions and proper ventilation flow. Some 80% of the aerosolized salt particles measure less than 5 microns. This allows for effortless absorption by the human body.
Water cascades, typically constructed of softwood and utilizing special equipment, pump salt brine at a slow, steady pace. As the brine evaporates, it produces a saline vapor effect within the cave. This creates a higher concentration of negative ions, naturally found around flowing water or oceanic environments. Learn more about the differences between wet and dry salt therapy.
Who can start a salt therapy business?
The short answer is: absolutely anyone! Applications of Himalayan salt therapy are growing remarkably every day. Small business owners, yoga studios, meditation studios, spas and resorts looking to diversify their services, restaurants and wellness centres are all becoming more aware of the benefits that salt therapy can bring their communities.
How do I write a business plan?
Creating your business plan should include several integral components to help you maximize the impact of your strategy. So, what goes into the plan and how will it help you raise money for your halotherapy business? While every business plan is uniquely different in content, layout or requirements, this framework provides good guidance on what you should consider when putting together a strategy for your salt cave business.
Salt Cave Construction
How long does it take to build a salt cave?
The average salt cave buildout takes 10-14 days, with larger salt caves (above 450 square feet), taking upwards of 25 days to complete. Smaller cosmetically driven work can be as quick as 1-2 days.
Where do you build salt caves?
North America mostly. We always welcome creative and challenging opportunities from our friends overseas. No project is too big or too small.
How much does it cost to build a salt cave?
What does it cost to maintain a salt cave?
Where does the salt come from?
We only use authentic Himalayan salt. We pride ourselves on the highest standard of workmanship and take no shortcuts (like the use of foam or papier-mâché) anywhere in our salt caves or rooms.
Is the Himalayan salt permanently attached to our existing walls when building a cave?
No, the salt is not permanently attached or even touching your existing walls. The entire salt cave can be fully disassembled in the future, and room restored to status quo.
Planning Your Salt Cave
Do you do custom work?
Absolutely. Our philosophy is that no project is too big or too small, we tackle it all! We welcome all opportunities. Contact us and tell us about your vision.
How do I get started?
The first thing you will need is a space of course. Most clients rent a commercial space specifically for their new salt therapy business, while another percentage will add a salt cave or salt room to their existing spa or wellness centre. If leasing a new space altogether, you may be fortunate to find a location that has existing rooms/offices which you can easily convert into a salt cave or salt room. Alternatively, the commercial space you lease may be an empty cavity which provides ultimate freedom because you can design where the salt cave (including the reception and other rooms) will go. We are happy to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have.
What should I look for in my space/location?
Salt is extremely heavy therefore we always need to be mindful of the foundation we are building on. For example, is there a basement underneath the cave-to-be, or are we building on a concrete slab? If your salt cave will be on a concrete slab, no additional reinforcement will be required. However, if there is a basement or space underneath, the floor will need to be reinforced. When you are scouting for a location, we welcome the opportunity to provide guidance.
Who designs my salt cave? What’s the process like?
After you decide to retain our company’s services, we will enter into an agreement, which will outline our scope of work in detail. After you’ve had a chance to read and understand the agreement, it is signed by both parties and you will remit a deposit. When received, we will solidify your build window and design your salt cave. Our team will render a design blueprint exactly per our brainstorming sessions with you. We facilitate the entire process.
What is HVAC and why does my space require it?
These man-made microclimates, designed to mimic a salt cave’s environment, are made out of Himalayan salt which requires a cooler environment. This requires the ability to regulate the heating and cooling inside every salt cave or salt room. The Salt Cave will be connected to your facility’s existing HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system. The temperature inside every salt cave is maintained precisely between 66-68°F. You would have probably noticed by now that most salt cave owners provide their guests with a blanket, as it can seem a little chilly for some.
What if my space doesn’t have an existing HVAC system?
In most cases the existing space already has an HVAC system; an ability to regulate the room’s temperature. If the commercial unit is brand new or without an HVAC system, this is not a problem – the system will simply need to be installed prior to the start of the salt cave construction. We would be happy to consult with you.
Do you offer financing?
Yes, we offer partial, short term financing — anywhere from 6 to 36 months. We always encourage our clients to seek financing options through their local financial institutions first, as we are not a lending institution and inherently absorb a higher cost of capital.
Do you sell wholesale?
Our new wholesale online catalogue is now live. We supply spas, existing salt cave outfits along with distributors interested in repackaging and rebranding our products. Our salt is carefully transported to our Ontario, Canada warehouses directly from the Himalayas. It can be picked up or delivered straight to your front door. Our manufacturers are ISO and HACCP certified. Our products also undergo extensive quality control at many stages. This ensures that the product you receive is of the highest quality and safety.
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