Comparing Wet and Dry Salt Therapy

In this article we will compare wet and dry salt therapy (also known as Halotherapy), and how each form of salt therapy treatment can benefit us.

Wet Salt Therapy can be administered via:

  • Use of a saline nasal spray, or a saline solution that is evaporated into the air and breathed in.
  • Use of a neti pot for nasal irrigation.
  • Soaking in a salt bath, usually with Epsom salt, Himalayan salt, or sea salt.

Nasal sprays and nasal irrigation helps to disinfect and reduce inflammation and mucus build-up within the sinus cavities, offering temporary relief from certain respiratory conditions, such as allergies, or cold and flu symptoms.

The trace minerals found in bath salts are bio-available to our bodies, and necessary for our health. Minerals like magnesium and potassium found in Epsom salt, Himalayan salt, or sea salt can be drawn into the bloodstream during a warm bath to eliminate toxins, and also temporarily alleviates muscle aches and pains.

Dry Salt Therapy is mainly performed at a conventional salt room or salt cave, but can also be administered via an inhaler.

This method uses micronized dry salt, which the body absorbs through the lungs in order to achieve its benefits. During a salt cave session, the salt aerosol also makes contact with the skin, providing further benefits.

Dry salt therapy creates an atmosphere that is beneficial in multiple ways. The micron-sized salt particles are antibacterial, anti-fungal, and thus have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does this benefit various respiratory conditions, it also rejuvenates and revitalizes the skin.

Wet and Dry Salt Therapy Chart

The chart below breaks down how each form or salt therapy benefits us for specific conditions:

BenefitWet Salt TherapyDry Salt Therapy
Can be done at home
Immediate pain relief
Colds and Flu
COPD - Chronic Bronchitis
COPD - Emphysema
Cystic Fibrosis
Immune Function
Stress Reduction
General Well Being

There is a convenience benefit with wet salt therapy — it can be done by anyone at home. Bath salts, saline mists and nasal irrigation devices are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased by anyone and used for wet salt therapy at home.

Dry salt therapy, on the other hand, generally requires an appointment at your local salt room or salt cave. An inhaler can be used to administer dry salt therapy, but with limited efficacy.

Dry salt therapy uses micron-sized salt particles (salt aerosol), which is more concentrated and can be absorbed through the skin as well as breathed in through the lungs. This allows the salt particles a deeper reach into the body and organs, and thus is more effective, in particular for various chronic respiratory conditions, including Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, and Cystic Fibrosis.

Testimonials from salt room users, along with clinical evidence from various studies, has shown that dry salt therapy can have a definite immune boosting effect. More clinical studies are needed for wet salt therapy treatments.

With the recent advent of viral outbreaks and the current global Corona virus pandemic, boosting the immune system is something we should all consider. Especially considering that diseases like the flu, pneumonia, SARS, or Covid-19 seem to affect people with pre-existing conditions, or weakened immune response.

Both wet and dry salt therapy offers benefits for your skin, by reducing inflammation, rejuvenating the skin cells and even reducing the signs of aging.

For evidence of the benefits of salt therapy as pointed out on this page, see our blog article on the benefits of salt therapy, and our blog article on the benefits of salt rooms.


Both, wet and dry salt therapy methods have their benefits. Taking advantage of both forms of salt therapy can have wonderful effects on your overall health and well-being.

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